Monthly Archives: November 2021
November 18, 2021
There are those who are happy with a glider that is flown anywhere within the glider's center of gravity (CG) range, then there are the others, who think the glider performs best with the CofG as close to the rear limit permitted by the manufacturer. The question begs, which is correct, is there an optimum (& where is it?), finally, how does it affect the glider's performance & handling?
November 11, 2021
We have begun to reach the colder part of the year and the soaring season has slowed to a halt for many of us. For mechanics like me, this is our busy time of the year. It is a good idea to schedule your yearly maintenance for the late fall/early winter months and months ahead of time. You have the least chance of missing a good soaring day and worst-case scenario, if an issue is found there is more
November 04, 2021
When we first start our cross country flying, it’s like stumbling around in a forest hitting trees, and doing our best to stay airborne, often we are happy to just make it home. As our experience grows and as you’ll soon notice, the experienced cross country pilots have a pre-determined course for all the eventualities that may happen, often this is subconscious. What does this achieve?