Monthly Archives: June 2019
June 27, 2019
The prelanding checklist GFWATTS continued from last week finishes with TTS.
To clarify last week.
When I was referring to a crosswind, I was referring to the crosswind direction on final. So a left crosswind on final while making a left pattern, the airmass will drift you towards the runway when on downwind. Even
June 20, 2019
To continue with our landing checklist GFWATTS and how we should not give it lip service.
Since we are looking at the wind before we enter the pattern, we should be able to set-up for the correct runway. Most of the time, we are not getting a wind check from the tower on short final, so instead, we want to get an approximate direction and gusting strength. Surface wind indicators
June 13, 2019
Happy Fathers Day.
To celebrate Fathers Day, I want to share what I learned from my Father. He soloed in gliders at 15 and has accumulated a lot of hours since then. I bounced around with instructors before I soloed at 14, but I did my most of my power instructing with him in the family Cessna 180, and later in my Cessna 140 I rebuilt.
Being smooth on the controls.
June 06, 2019
At Sky Sailing, we use the landing checklist GFWATTS, and we have been teaching it for a very long time. There are many out there, and I am sure there are plenty of threads on Rec.Aviation.Soaring (for those of you not aware of this newsgroup, searching this will be like opening Pandora’s box. If you have managed this long without it, I would recommend not starting now.).
Whichever checklist