Monthly Archives: February 2019
February 28, 2019
What about practicing by yourself? Most of us end up flying by ourselves, many of my single seat flights are mid-week when it is slower with students. The problem becomes that you do not have any other pilots to base your flying against. There is no way of knowing if you made the best decisions. Thankfully we have
February 21, 2019
How much water ballast should you use on any given day? This is not an all-or-nothing type of tool. Some pilots will takeoff full every day and dump down in timed increments (20 seconds, for example). However, if you have a stock water system, the tail ballast will dump at a faster ratio, meaning it will drain the tail before the wings are empty, moving the CG forward as you dump. So you might still
February 14, 2019
Currently, we are doing yearly condition inspection and inspecting the water system. The bags have not been used for a long time and the current owner has never used them. We decided to start out first by leak testing the bags, pulling them out of the wing and leaving them full for a few hours to make sure there were no signs of leaks. The
February 07, 2019
Your practice Assigned Speed Task (AST) can vary depending on the day and your focus. You could have a few turnpoints around the airport that form laps. Maybe it is time to work on one of your badges, just make sure you go past the center of the turn, not just nicking the closest edge if you want to claim that badge.
It is even better if you have some friends to race against to compare decisions.