September 26, 2019
It’s like a fishing story; it was this big… There I was at 200ft, or whatever someone claims to have been. First of all, most of the low saves were not as low as someone claimed, and it gets lower with each telling of the story. But when the new guy hears 200ft and thinks that’s normal and feels his flying is overly cautious when he gives up at 400ft. We encourage this behavior,
July 05, 2018
Lack of Communication
In the airshow world this concern was mostly from the pilot not communicating with others or the show not communicating with the performers. If there is a problem with the equipment or person (remember the acronym IMSAFE), it has to be clearly communicated what is going on. This happened at a flying job, where a normally whiny pilot, was doing his normal complaining -
August 10, 2017
One of the most common safety issues that come up at contests is gaggle etiquette. At the JWGC 2015, my brother Boyd was the Club Class Safety pilot. His most common "chat" with offending pilots was their inability to safely gaggle fly. Many were being very aggressive trying to gain a few extra feet by compromising safety.
Aggressive gaggle flying is when you cut off another glider in a thermal