April 21, 2022
Take-off run
In general, setting a negative flap setting gives you better aileron control at all speeds, for this reason typically we set a stage of negative flap during the initial stage of the take-off run. Once we have built up sufficient aileron control, we can then shift the flaps to the recommended positive flap setting for the remainder of the launch.
July 11, 2019
As you plan your return to your landing site it's best to stay offset, so you do not fly directly over it. Not only should you offset yourself, you probably do not want to be going the opposite direction with the pattern. The way we return from one of our mountains sets us up well to circle the airport before entering the pattern.
Opposite Direction
February 22, 2018
Have you ever seen a 2-33 land two-point? The skid and main-wheel at the same time, even worse is skid first.
I tell my CFI Applicants, instructing is enjoyable but always remember the student is always trying to kill you. Normally I say it as a joke emphasizing to make sure they stay sharp and on edge. However, sometimes the student really tries.
In other articles, I have talked about
August 03, 2017
In February one of the topics was about landings and to 'not land' when trying to land. To float and dissipate the energy. The following 3 questions are what I repeatedly ask myself on every landing.
Am I high?
Am I low?
Is my speed ok?
They are new separate questions each time. If my speed was fast, I am going to ask it again, because hopefully, I have corrected it since the -
February 23, 2017
Gravity Always Wins
Nobody has ever been left up there before. With that in mind, do not try and land. Float to the end of the runway, float to the horizon, float forever, but always be descending. If you notice you are maintaining altitude, that is not good. Gravity will win and because you were using your spoilers to get your aim point you will land right
January 21, 2016
There is that old saying about gear up landings; "There are those that have and those that will".
Pictured above was one of last years projects by a pilot who shall remain nameless. It is an example of not doing a proper landing checklist. By that I mean -GEAR- Gear what? Up/Down/Move the handle. The picture above was the result of the later.
It is very easy to get complacent and give