April 19, 2018
No matter how many times we talk about this, it happens. Some of you might be following the FCC contest in Slovakia that finishes today. A club class pilot did it again. Won a day, then well, then he didn't win the next day, actually, he didn't make it home the next day.
Many of us are not mentally prepared to win yet. We are still working on our Mental preparation.
"If you are not
February 16, 2017
Mental Preparedness
Even if you do not race many of these topics apply to you. Gary Ittner gave a lecture (Yup the real P7) and he said racing is just really efficient cross county flying and while flying cross country you are still racing. You are racing the sun to get home before it stops producing thermals. A lot of this also applies to flying around the local area, which is where I spend