December 08, 2022
We are all familiar with the idea that we can easily be a complete idiot in the air. I've done some really dumb things, and made some stupid mistakes. And you wouldn't believe some of the errors I've seen when coaching perfectly competent pilots. Even this week my student tried to take off with the canopy unlocked, and he couldn't believe what he'd done when I brought it to his
August 25, 2022
Every day before we fly we (daily) inspect our glider, we’d all agree it’s an important part of our flight. But what about the pilot? Clearly, it’s the same, however, every day we as humans perform, react and feel different every day we wake up. Diet, sleep, work, relationships, and a whole range of external factors affect our moods and levels of arousal. If we have a
July 14, 2022
Our emotional state is largely dependent on our assessment of how we’re feeling for the day. Some days we can wake up, feel super good and everything seems just goes to plan. Sadly there are other days when we wake up, fight through the day, and by the end of it, we figured it was probably better to just stay in bed, we just had a bad day.
July 05, 2018
Lack of Communication
In the airshow world this concern was mostly from the pilot not communicating with others or the show not communicating with the performers. If there is a problem with the equipment or person (remember the acronym IMSAFE), it has to be clearly communicated what is going on. This happened at a flying job, where a normally whiny pilot, was doing his normal complaining