stay focused
November 30, 2023
Soaring such as ours, which includes hang gliding, paragliding, and aerobatics, requires not only physical skill but also a robust mental approach to extract the best performance out of the day, competition, and general day-to-day flying. Psychology within our sport, plays a crucial role in both the pilot's performance and overall safety. Understanding and harnessing the mental aspects of soaring
August 10, 2023
The best pilots are the ones who are able to keep a clear head under pressure, these are usually the ones who have done their homework. Being able to ‘stay cool’ and ‘think clearly’ is the result of rational, logical planning done before the event or weekends soaring. As I’m sure you’ve heard before, Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. There are two types
February 08, 2023
“The scores are tied, it's time for the big one”, I was up for it. Some of my followers would of course recognise where this opening line came from, and if not, then you’d recognise it's certainly from somewhere else! This article is about how I went from having the right psychology or mindset for an entire nationals, where I was leading right up to the last day with a slender