faa wings program
March 03, 2022
Is your flight review an “Every two year, check-the-box” exercise? In airplanes, does your CFI/buddy give you a sign-off after reviewing part 91 over a cup of coffee at an airport 30 minutes away (conveniently a one-hour round trip in order to meet the Part 61 flight time requirement)? In gliders, three quick tows into the pattern? Is your recurrency an obligation
October 25, 2018
So once you get your license you only need to fly with an instructor every 2 years for a flight review. This 2-3 hour block of time is supposed to keep you safe, make sure you are up to date on FAR's, your flying abilities are up to FAA standards, etc. There are some Advisory Circulars and other publications giving guidance on how to conduct the flight review, they have also been known to cure insomnia