best l/d
May 25, 2023
There is surprisingly little written about the use of water ballast in gliders, and this is true of the flight manuals produced with many gliders and which explain the manufacturer’s systems in detail but say very little about when and how to use the systems. Most of the knowledge in the sport seems to be handed down with the sale of used gliders as old owners impart their experiences to the
July 14, 2016
Some think speed to fly means looking at your flight computers up and down arrows. Others think it's installing a ring on your Winter vario. If you don't' have a speed ring, make sure your Winter vario has a beveled face plate, order the speed ring and 4 weeks later it arrives. Open the box from W&W, suck on your Jolly Rancher as you pop the speed ring on your vario. Bingo! Instant