TFR and Pre-Flight Planning

A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is a type of Notices to Airmen (NOTAM). A TFR defines an area restricted to air travel due to a hazardous condition, a special event, or a general warning for the entire FAA airspace.

Traditionally there is a deer in the headlights look when you mention one is in effect.

We are in Fire Season and fires can really damper a lot of good soaring sites.

Many of my power friends use ForeFlight or other App's that import TFR's into your flight plan. In-flight computers I have yet to see that automation. My preference is going straight to the source: The FAA. Another easy option is calling 1800WXBRIEF.

Once a fire has started and before the TFR is in effect can you use it as a thermal? It is not in the FAR, but you better check with local NOTAM's in the air if you are going to play that game. If you see a big white and orange plane you probably should not be there.

122.925 is Air Attack in Southern California. It would be a good idea to simply call "Air Attack in the vicinity of XXX" let them know what you are up to. They have a 7mile radius Fire Traffic Area that they are controlling.

Could you get violated? Yes. Is it worth it? No. That easy thermal for you may give glider pilots a bad name. Sky Sailing has a great working relationship with our local CalFire and they have let us continue to operate even when they could close us down.

Upsetting AirAttack is like upsetting the farmer, the word will spread and make life miserable for every other glider pilot out there.

At one national contest, CalFire brought in a temporary control tower as they felt that was the safest way to continue operations with gliders. The only positive thing was after crossing the finish you could ask for the "option" (high speed go around). This received a wave from the "tower" as they all popped their heads out of their trailer and a shaking of the head from the CD ;)

With our great weather and lots of political doners, we are honored with a VIP TFR that shows up in Southern California. Most of the time we are outside of it by only a few miles. These specifically prohibit flight training and gliders. So when they do overlap we cannot fly at all. Unfortunately, Generally Aviation in Southern California is severely hampered. They do violate offending pilots then.


TESA PVC Safety Tape

TESA PVC Safety Tape is used to protect the leading edge of mylar from lifting and helps smooth airflow. Tesa tape has a high-quality natural rubber adhesive and backing which is UV and chemical resistant. Some repair shops recommend PVC safety tape is changed every year when the glider is waxed.

Icom IC-A24

ICOM IC-A24The ICOM line of handheld radios are lightweight and full of features. It comes with a dedicated 121.5 MHz emergency key, NOAA marine weather channels ANL (Auto Noise Limiter) for noise reduction in addition to your standard radio functions.


garret willat  Garret Willat holds a flight instructor rating with over 8000 hours in sailplanes. His parents have owned Sky Sailing Inc. since 1979. He started instructing the day after his 18th birthday. Since then, Garret has represented the US Junior team in 2003 and 2005. He graduated from Embry-Riddle with a bachelor's degree in Professional Aeronautics. Garret represented the US Open Class team in 2008 and 2010 and the Club Class team in 2014. Garret has won 3 US National Championships.