DG 808C wing, flying in Colorado

Allan Silver has been in the parachute business since 1972. He also produces the SMAK PAK and specialized aerobatic safety harnesses. While waiting for your SMAK PAK to arrive take a look at his last write-up on where to attach things to your parachute. If you already have one or carry a SPOT or similar device, read above to see if you have it in a safe area. I would guess roughly 25% of the pilots have it secured incorrectly.

Is it going to stay on when you bail out?

When you start thinking about bailing out what will you have on you when you hit the ground (notice I didn't say do a beautiful stand-up landing)? Allan has a great motto: Survival Equipment must be carried on you. If it's stored in your aircraft it's called camping gear.

I carry a lot of camping gear. I try and keep enough that I can be comfortable to spend the night. Lots of water, tiedowns for the glider, first-aid kit, food, rope, flashlight, etc.

Personal Satellite Tracking

When SPOT came out I got a first generation. I am a big believer in them. Actually, we are such big believers we require our private owners going cross country to carry one. We are in an area where cell service is very limited and the road traffic in the summer can be very limited, even if you land at a county airport, there might not be any way to contact anyone. It also gives us the ability to see if we can leave at 5 or if someone needs to stay late to make sure everyone gets home.

There was a nearby site that had someone crash/land on the side of the mountain and nobody knew it until the next day, then they had no idea where to start looking. With everyone registered on glideport.aero you can see where everyone is.

2-way Satellite Communication

Later when the InReach came out I switched to that system because of the ability to have 2-way communication. Now, Spot X, even better has the same 2-way communication capability. Plus I was able to type in different contact information, which happened when I landed out in Finland after only being in the country for less than 8 hours and not really being prepared... If I had my SPOT I could have sent a message back home, while everyone was asleep, but my crew had not arrived, so home would not have known who to contact in Finland. Thankfully Adam knew I was going to be landing out and was able to check his email and I was able to send him a message from my InReach. Thanks, Adam Woolley for picking me up.

I clip my InReach to my chest strap but I always look at that little plastic clip and wonder if it is really strong enough. Turns out...it is not... Which really puts a damper on my great safety plan. This got me wondering how should I attach it.

I have seen people mount their SPOT in their glider. However, it will not help you if you bail out. You might not be near the glider wreckage. You could be close but not know where it is, you could be in a different canyon and really not close enough to get the attention of ground personnel.

An ELT is going to help the rescue crew find the glider, but let's make it easiest for them to find us.
garret willat  Garret Willat holds a flight instructor rating with over 8000 hours in sailplanes. His parents have owned Sky Sailing Inc. since 1979. He started instructing the day after his 18th birthday. Since then, Garret has represented the US Junior team in 2003 and 2005. He graduated from Embry-Riddle with a bachelor's degree in Professional Aeronautics. Garret represented the US Open Class team in 2008 and 2010 and the Club Class team in 2014. Garret has won 3 US National Championships.