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COBRA Hydraulic Jack
General Description
COBRA Hydraulic Jack - for single or double seater.
To protect the COBRA Hydraulic Jack from damage during shipping, we have removed the foot pedal. To reinstall: the “V” lever should be to the right. Install the foot pedal with the two bolts and safety pins, pump the foot lever all the way up, insert spring with a pair of pliers. The spring fits into a little indent on the top of the bottle and a hole on the foot pedal. See "Installing Foot Pedal" in COBRA Trailer Resource Folder.
Track width 530mm center to center of wheels (standard since 1990).
Singe Seat with engine Hydraulic Jacks are available but special order. Please call for pricing and lead time.
COBRA replacement Jack Handles are available here.
W&W typically stocks COBRA Hydraulic Jack.
COBRA Hydraulic Jack price varies depending on selection above.
Single Seater | 450 kg |
Double Seater | 650 kg |
Step 1 – 1. loosen the nut, 2. turn the “V” to the left
Step 2 – 1. push the lever down, 2. tighten the nut
To protect the COBRA Hydraulic Jack from damage during shipping, we have removed the foot pedal. To reinstall: “V” lever should be to the right. Install the foot pedal with the two bolts and safety pins, pump the foot lever all the way up, insert spring with a pair of pliers. The spring fits into a little indent on the top of the bottle and a hole on the foot pedal.