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See Ya’ at the Airport
by Charlie Spratt
General Description
See ya' at the Airport - The Colorful Stories of a Soaring Contest Vagabond a.k.a. “The Gate”.
It's a wonderful collection of stories written by Charlie Spratt.
W&W typically stocks See ya' at the airport.
Author | Charlie Spratt |
Dimensions | 5.98″ x 8.90 x 0.51″″ |
Page Count | 202 Pages, 29 Photos |
Language | English |
A theme that ran through Charlie's life was that he wasn't bothered by trivia whether in the realm or the physical world, interpersonal relations, or detail that didn't seem to have an immediate impact. Readers will note this theme through the book and some of the conventional among us have reflected on how there might be a lesson here.
Another compelling aspect of Charlie was his uncanny ease with relationships, whether it had to be well–healed banker, professor, five–year–old, winner, loser, or average Joe. He was immediately comfortable with any and all, but wasn't fooled by insincere or the pretentious. Therein lies another area for reflection as Charlie takes us along for a look at his life.
With this book, “the gate” gives us everything from a bit of entertainment to look at ourselves–both may be useful perspectives.
Back Cover
“The gate” has left on many facets of US soaring competition, not at least of which has been his unmatched interactions with all the people who participated in some way. There will never be another Charlie and having this record of his involvement with the sport is another of his gifts to us all. – Karl Striedieck
Charlie Spratt is the best CD I have ever flown under and that includes contest in many countries as well as five world championships. Fortunately, he writes with the same understanding and decisiveness he brings to contest directing. Soaring would be very much the less without inputs, his experience and his total language. Its all here, told with an inimitable sense of humor. Enjoy! – George Moffat
The national soaring museum exists to record and relate the story of soaring in America. How better to do that than to publish a book by Charlie Spratt? Inspired be soaring and an inspirer of those who do soar. Charlie is one of our sports master story tellers. With this first NSM–Published book, he has set the bar high. Good start, Charlie.