VFR Terminal Area Chart
VFR Terminal Area Chart (TACs)
General Description
Terminal Area Charts (TACs) provide a large-scale portrayal of selected metropolitan complexes to satisfy pilotage and local control requirements. The 1:250,000 scale VFR Terminal Area Chart (TAC) Series depict the airspace designated as Class B Airspace. The information found on these charts portrays much more detail than is found on the Sectional Charts because of the larger scale. These charts are intended for use by pilots operating from airfields within or near Class B and Class C airspace. Coverage of Terminal Area Charts are indicated by shaded boxes on the Sectional Chart index. These charts are updated every 56 days.
Use above selections for VFR Terminal Area Chart.
Chart Type | Nautical Miles/Inch | Nautical Miles/CM | Scale |
Terminal Area Charts | 3.43 | 1.35 | 1:250,000 |
Anchorage (TANC)
Atlanta (TATL)
Baltimore/Washington (TWAS)
Boston (TBOS)
Charlotte (TCHA)
Chicago (TCHI)
Cincinnati (TCIN)
Cleveland (TCLE)
Dallas/Ft. Worth (TDFW)
Denver/Colorado Springs (TDEN)
Detroit (TDET)
Houston (THOU)
Kansas City (TKC)
Las Vegas (TLV)
Los Angeles (TLA)
Memphis (TMEM)
Miami (TMIA)
Minneapolis/St. Paul (TMSP)
New Orleans (TNO)
New York (TNY)
Philadelphia (TPHI)
Phoenix (TPHX)
Pittsburgh (TPIT)
Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands (LPR)
Salt Lake City (TSLC)
San Diego (TSD)
San Francisco (TSF)
Seattle/Portland (TSEA)
St. Louis (TSTL)
Tampa/Orlando (TTAM)
2024 | 2025 | 2026 |
25-January-2024 | 22-January-2026 | |
21-March-2024 | 17-April-2025 | 19-March-2026 |
16-May-2024 | 12-June-2025 | 14-May-2026 |
11-July-2024 | 7-August-2025 | 9-July-2026 |
5-September-2024 | 2-October-2025 | 3-September-2026 |
31-October-2024 | 27-November-2025 | 29-October-2026 |
24-December-2026 |
Ordering process:
Next Single Chart Only - Charts are ordered two weeks before release dates. Once ordered that chart will be removed from "Next Singel Chart Only" and the following chart date will be listed. You are only purchasing one chart - the chart date that is issued next.
Current Calendar Year - Pay in advance for all or all remaining charts for the current calendar year.