Well loved low-time Schempp-Hirth Discus B, larger cockpit, available. 42:1 glide ratio. 1,100 hours since 1985. It will be sold with a fresh annual and ready to fly! Flown and cared for most recently by me, a CFIG/ATP with 20+ years of soaring experience.

It is a lovely “easy” Standard Class glider to fly with great performance! Automatic control hookups. All anti-corrosion prep for Hawaii was done by the talented Fidel Ramirez who also put on new gap seals, polished the whole aircraft and the canopy. I brought it to Hawaii in 2018 for the most wonderful soaring experiences I’ve ever had, including most recently a big wave flight up to 18,000’. I am transitioning to a powered bird so I must let this gem go. It has always been stored in it’s climate controlled trailer, which was hangared, since arriving on Oahu.

Custom memory foam and sheepskin seat that makes 5+ hour flights comfortable. Set up for wave soaring. Large oxygen tank included. New Mountain High EDS available for extra.

Currrently at Dillingham Airfield in Hawaii, can be shipped to the US mainland.

$25,500 in Hawaii. $33,000 (actual value) shipped to San Diego. The local discount price is intended to encourage the buyer to soar the magical Hawaiian skies. 300+ amazing soaring days each year with spectacular ridge, thermal, convergence and sometimes great wave! Feel free to contact me with questions. I have lots of pictures and amazing stories about this beautiful Discus. No medical required!

More Information
Make Schempp-Hirth
Model Discus B
Marketplace Status Sold
Marketplace Currency USD
Type Pure Sailplane
Seats 1
FAI Class Club
Canopy Cover Yes
Full Covers No
Oxygen Large Tank. Mountain High EDS Optional.
Ground Handling MM One-man Rigger, Tail dolly, tow bar, wing wheel
CG Release Yes
Nose Release No
Trailer Condition Rating
Trailer Schroeder
Other 2 Two LiPO batteries
Nav 1 Cambridge 302 w/ GPS and temperature probe
Transponder Funk Werk
Radio Fitted FSG50
Flight Computer Oudie IGC (available for extra)
Compass Ball on Glareshield
Altimeter Winter 80mm
Vario Winter 80mm
Air Speed Winter 80mm
Aircraft Exterior
Aircraft Interior
Last Inspection 2019-10-01
Total Time 1100
Year 1985
Certificate Type Standard
S/N 13
Registration N941KS
Flarm No
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You're reviewing:Schempp-Hirth Discus B
SOLD ON: 2021-07-18 00:00:00