Best LS4 in Australia is now for sale. Complete package with fully kitted glider, competition ready and with many spare parts plus great Cobra trailer. Nothing to fix - just go gliding. The only LS4 in Australia with certified AMS winglets, plus flat tips if you like. Instruments: 57mm altimetre, ASI, Winter Vario, LX-NAV S80, LX Nav Power Flarm, Card compass, XCom dual watch radio. 2 USB ports in the panel, Dittel Battery box with LiFePo4 battery, plus LifePo4 battery in the tail as well. Very large 100mm certified oxygen bottle built in, easy to remove.. New MH oxy system. Spares: full main wheel including drum brake and with tube and tyre. Tail wheel with tube and tyre.. Extra tubes. Wing covers, Tailplane covers, 2 x canopy covers. Tow out gear. Water ballast filling gear with stand. Various bits and pieces like trim springs etc. 2017 Cobra trailer, with 2 spare wheels & tyres, fully fitted for LS4. Wing stand.
More Information
Make Rolladen-Schneider
Model LS-4
Marketplace Status Sold
Marketplace Currency AUD
Type Pure Sailplane
Seats 1
FAI Class Club
Canopy Cover Yes
Full Covers Outdoor All Weather Covers
Oxygen yes
Ground Handling wing walker, tow out bar
CG Release Yes
Nose Release No
Trailer Condition Rating
Trailer Cobra
Radio XCOM
Flight Computer LX-NAV S80
Compass Card
Altimeter Winter
Vario Winter
Air Speed Winter
Aircraft Exterior
Aircraft Interior
Last Inspection 2019
Total Time 1400
Year 1983
Certificate Type Standard
S/N 4333
Registration VH-BHM
Flarm Portable
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SOLD ON: 2020-04-19 00:00:00