Cancelled Not Sold

Nimbus II A

2-18-15 Cancled 5-28-15
N67JP, s/n 58, 700 hrs total, Annual date 7/14, New Strong 303 Chute Factory trailer and dollys, custom built airport towing trailer Glider located at Lewiston, ID airport $18,000.

12-18-13 Cancelled 3-31-15
(AJ) N49946, S/N 20121 2216 + hours (still flying) Starts: 692+ LNav/SNav display & Cambridge 20 Flight Recorder, Ilec SB9 backup vario, std instruments, Becker AR4201 radio. RAM mount w/ IPAQ running GNII. Landing gear/spoiler alarm, battery status meter. O2 system (not installed), new 4-point seat belts installed 2013, towout gear. Minden trailer with hydraulic surge brakes.

$26,000.00 PowerFLARM + one-man wing rigger included for another $2,000 Listed $26,000.00

Antares 18 S
9-21-14 Canclled 3-9-15
New 2010, 441 h, 128 Flights. First owner. Fully integrated 18m glider. L/D 1/53. Like new condition. Professionally serviced and maintained. Exquisite aerodynamics, finish & flight. Antares known for delightful handling and cockpit comfort for long flights. Microfiber cloth. Fully contest and record flight ready. Tinted canopy. Beringer disc brake. Gear warning. No-spill dual water ballast system. Steerable tail wheel. Engine bay prepared for SOLO 2350. Factory one man rigger. SAGE Model CV vario. Cambridge 302 vario. ClearNav GPS, IGC logger, VGA screen. Becker AR 6201 digital transceiver. Garrecht Mode-S Transponder VT-01 Ultra Compact Class 2. Kannad 406 AF-compact ELT 406 MHz. All instruments independently fused, factory installed. Cobra Trailer. Double shell glassfibre top. Aluminium sandwich floor. Under coating. DOT lighting. SL package. Rear jacks. Tail lifter. Location, Toronto, Canada. More info at, LISTED: $119,950.00

Ventus A
3-27-14 Canclled 2-15-15
SN86, 1982 with SN10b, Walter Dittel FSG2T, Volkslogger, Peschges VP2C, constant flow O2 with canula, dual batteries, boom mike, Masak 15M winglets, 17.7M tips, wing root fairings, pneumatic tail wheel, Aluminum trailer by Minden Fabrications, experimental airworthiness certificate. Wings refinished and profiled in 1996 by Applebay. Wingstands, wing dolly, tail dolly, towout bar, ridge soaring canopy cover, silver platinum canopy cover. Excellent condition, no damage history. TT 2010hrs. Annual inspection completed March 1st. Located in Tucson Arizona. LISTED: $37,000.00

5-17-13 Canclled 1-20-15
Our 2006 demo.15M and 18M tips, full instrumentation including LX8000 color computer and Power Flarm. Famous DG finish with blue tinted canopy and TOST disc brake mod. Full set of Jaxida all weather covers. Comes with Cobra trailer, hydraulic ramp and 3rd rail, tow-out gear. More details at ( under specials) Available immediately Listed $119,000.00

5-19-14 Canclled 1-18-15
N383BA, S/N 008714, mfg. 2002. Total Hours: 1617+ Located near Houston. Recent 100 and 500 hour inspections. For pictures and more information: LISTED: $32,500.00

9-14-14 Canclled 1-7-15
TT 512 hrs, Carburators rebuilt by Lockwood, Prop recently dynamically balanced, New tires all around, TOST split hub tailwheel, TY21 transceiver, TT21 Mode S transponder, intercom, Dynon D100, Winter variometer, glider tow package, Rotax 912S 100 hp, MT constant speed full feathering prop excellent condition. very docile taildragger. hangered at KVRB. LISTED: $75,000.00

10-27-14 Canclled 11-14-14
1981 SN 99, N3234H, TT 1200 hrs, NDH, 16.6 tips and winglets. Flaps, automatic control hookups. Water ballast. Cambridge GPS 25/LNAV. IPAQ, Dittel radio, Cambridge and Winter varios. Entire glider professionally refinished in polyurethane in 1999., Very well maintained, all AD's and service bulletins compiled with, new rudder cables, new Tost release and much more. Canopy in near perfect condition, multiple canopy covers, wing and tail covers, full tow out gear, 2 batteries and charger, 2 year old one man Wing Rigger in like new condition, Security 250 parachute, Mountain High EDS O2 system, All logs since new including factory test flight paperwork. All aluminum Cobra trailer. This is a complete package; glider is very well sealed, clean, fast and read to fly. Located in Southern California. LISTED: $38,500.00

9-24-13 Renewed 9-26-14
C-GTQJ 1983 Serial 20628 1562 Hrs, Standard Airworthiness to Oct 31/13, Original Gel Coat Good Condition with fine crazing on seams if you put your nose up to it, Wing Upper Surface very good -- No cracks around spoiler boxes, NSDH, Winter ASI & Vario, 35K United Altimeter, Dittel FSG 50 Radio, O2 cylinder checked 2012. Cambridge S-Nav installed; Included from my ASW-27: CAI L-Nav, GPS-Nav and 2 iPAQ 3835 with GNav and Glide Navigator. Original unused water bags, glider never flown with water, wing, fuselage and canopy cover. Tail dolly, tow bar, wing wheel, 2 wing stands. Glider in trailer in hangar during winter. Cobra metal top trailer with 2012 tires, lights work, a joy to rig and tows at 125 km/h. Optional: Trig 21 xpdr and National 425 parachute repacked 6/13. Note to Canadians: Import cost + altimeter (original radium dial) > $5,000 Location: South of Calgary, Alberta. LISTED $35,000.00

7-21-14 Ad Cancelled 9/7/14
KV (N59GW) sn 129 1983 1275hrs No major damage Refinish PU Paint 012 Annual 7-014 Winglets tail tank wing fairings Cobra Trailer. All up gross 1157lb with tip extension Ilec, sb-8 flight computer, sb-9 backup, micro air radio win pilot volkslogger 02 LISTED $42,500.00

Slingsby T59D Kestrel 19
2-3-14 Ad Cancelled 8/31/14
S# 1793, MF date 1972, 1095 TT, 421 launches. Cambridge L-Nav and Becker radio. Steel O2 bottle with A4 regulator. W&W's one man wing dolly, tail dolly and wing wheel. Fresh annual with sale. LISTED $18,500.00

7-14-14 Ad Cancelled 8/08/14
SN 44, 644TT, standard AW, all ADs current, annual May 2014 & currently flying, nose hook, terra radio and transponder, boom mike, oxygen, taildolly, trailer, midair June 2012 (SOARING Dec. 2012), repaired and new wing installed. LISTED $14,500.00

10-23-13 Ad Cancelled 7/27/14
2007 400 hours Excellent epoxy paint, Glider tow out gear. Avionic Trailer National 425 Premium Parachute (2010) Cambridge 302 DDV Variometer (IGC approved logger).Cambridge 303 NAV Navigation Display PZL m/s vario Microair 760 radio. Hawkesbury Ontario

Schweizer 2-33
7-8-14 Ad Cancelled 7/27/14
In good condition. last flew 2012 always hangered LISTED $10,500.00

Schreder HP18
1-14-14 Ad Cancelled 7/23/14
40:1 with winglets, tip plates for temporary tiedown, one man rig, wing stand, tow out wing wheel, new instrument panel with Ilec SC7 vario and Dynon D6 which includes attitude indicator, remote compass, air speed, rate of change of air speed, altimeter, very sensitive rate of climb, rate of turn, inclinometer and stall warning. There is an audible gear up warning, geared flap control with index wheel, radio with xtmr amplifier, boom mic, parachute. Enclosed trailer with solar powered vent, hard wired running lights, 4 wire light connection, and electric winch for loading the glider with trailer aft end control switch. Glider is presently located at Zephyrhills, Fl and will relocate to Caesar Creek Soaring Club mid-April.

Schleicher ASK-21
7-18-14 Ad cancelled 7/23/14
S/N 21131, N2237W, mfd 1982. Only 1437 hours but Gelcoat is crazed. Still very flyable. Will come with a fresh annual. Last annual 04-18-2013 LISTED $2,000.00

Ventus 2cx
6-25-14 Ad cancelled 6/27/14
N10SZ. 18m/15m 2004, 725 TT. Excellent condition. Ilec SN10, ClearNav w remote, FLARM, Trig transponder, Ameri-King ELT, Dittel FSG-2T radio with ptt and boom mic, Mtn High O2 system, Backup Borgelt vario, 2ea K2 LiFePo batteries. Cobra trailer with jack stands, brand-new Mark Mocho wing wheel, tow out gear and wing stands, solo wing rigger. Located in Columbus, OH. For improvements made since I purchased it last year. There is some belly damage from gear-up landing at Perry this spring. LISTED $100,000.00

Jantar 48-3
6-11-14 Ad cancelled 6/27/14
40/1 performance. 750 hours, very good condition.Current annual, Gains trailer needs TLC. ClearNav Borgelt super vario Sage vaio not installed, hand held Lowrance airmap 100, Becker radio, Base at Bermuda High Soaring. LISTED $26,000.00

Discus bT
4-15-14 Ad cancelled 6/5/14
Built 1991Serial # 57 Schempp-Hirth Cobra Trailer TT 1280, TTE 38 good condition, basic instruments, tow out gear, parachute, had oxygen installed and parts are still available (old system with make) . Registered in the USA as experimental, located in PA. LISTED $60,000.00