Aerox 4110-730 MSKA Fixed Flow Mask Assembly With Fitting

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Aerox 4110-730 MSKA Fixed Flow Maslk Assembly

Manufacturer Part Number: 4110-730

Aerox 4110-730 MSKA Fixed Flow Mask Assembly With Fitting

General Description

Aerox 4110-730 MSKA Fixed Flow Mask Assembly With Fitting - This mask is a passenger mask assembly including the standard re-breather mask, flow indicator, and a preset plug. These masks have a fixed flow orifice in the Plug-In which requires a minimum supply pressure of 55 PSIG at 25K feet (minimum 60 PSIG at sea level). The PB-1 style fitting is typically associated with newer Cessna's manufactured in 1980 or later, this fitting is also commonly used in pressurized Cessna aircraft before 1980 and other aircraft. The flow indicator is a simple to read red to clear indication of positive flow. Please see the outlet configuration in the gallery for identification.

For CPC fittings, please see contact Customer Service.

Use above selections for Aerox 4110-730 MSKA Fixed Flow Mask Assembly With Fitting.

4110-730-1 PB1 Fitting
4110-730-2  PB2 Fitting
4110-730-3  Scott Fitting
4110-730-4  Aerox 400 Series Fitting
4110-730-5 Altitude Compensated PB1 Fitting
4110-730-6 Military Style Fitting
4110-730-7 CPC Fitting

What is Oxygen?
Composition of Oxygen. Oxygen includes 21% of the atmosphere at all altitudes. The remaining atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen and 1% traces of other gases. Oxygen under normal conditions is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, non–combustible gas. It is the most important single element on earth. At each breath we fill our lungs with air. Millions of tiny air sacs (known as “alveoli”) in our lungs inflate like tiny balloons. In the minutely thin walls enclosing each sac are microscopic capillaries through which blood is constantly transported, from the lungs to every cell in the body. The blood carries the oxygen extracted from the air in the lungs to every part of the body. Because the body has no way to store oxygen, it leads a breath–to–breath existence. The human body must have oxygen to convert fuel (the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet) into heat, energy, and life. The conversion of body fuels into life is similar to the process of combustion; fuel and oxygen is consumed, while heat and energy is generated. This process is known as ”metabolism“. The rate of metabolism, which determines the need for and consumption of oxygen, depends on the degree of physical activity or mental stress of the individual. Not all people require the same amount of oxygen. A man walking at a brisk pace will consume about four times as much oxygen as he will while sitting quietly. Under severe exertion or stress, he could possibly be consuming eight times as much oxygen as resting.

How Important is Oxygen in Flying?
Let’s understand the importance of bringing more oxygen to the body. Blood is the liquid carrier of oxygen. Blood carries oxygen to all parts of the body to fuel its systems, stimulate its chemical reactions, and rid it of wastes and toxins. The feeling of being tired is the classic sign of oxygen–deficiency or “Hypoxia”. When we are oxygen–deficient, (which occurs at higher altitudes while flying) we are not equipped to have incomplete chemical reactions occur in our body. We don’t burn waste properly and our blood and cells become toxic. Some cells that are deficient in oxygen may mutate into colonies of disease in their battle for survival. Viruses, fungi and bacteria begin to grow. Our whole physical energy level is low and we just don’t feel right; or worse, we catch a debilitating disease. When oxygen levels are increased, our red blood cells pick up the extra oxygen and become energized. We feel better, arrive at our destination less tired and more alert for the all–important part of the flight, LANDING. Our body is healthier and we think more clearly because of increased oxygenation.

FAA and Oxygen
Oxygen Requirements at Altitude. The FAA requires that all pilots flying their aircraft above 12,500′ for 30 minutes or longer or at 14,000′ or above during the entire flight must use supplemental oxygen. The amount required is 1 liter of oxygen per minute for every 10,000′. For example, at 18,000′ there should be a flow of 1.8 liters per minute of oxygen available via a standard breathing device. The FAA requires there should be a device so attached to each breathing device that visually shows the flow of oxygen. (Aerox flow meters meet this FAA requirement.) The FAA also regulates that passengers must have supplemental oxygen available over 15,000′ and that it is recommended that supplemental oxygen be used at night at altitudes over 5,000′.

Storing Cylinders
Compressed gas containers should not be subjected to atmospheric temperatures above 130° F. A flame shall never be permitted to come in contact with any part of a compressed gas container. Containers shall not be stored near readily ignitable substances such as gasoline or waste papers, or near combustibles including oil. Containers shall not be exposed to continuous dampness nor be stored in the sun.

Why do Knowledgeable Pilots Use Oxygen Over 5000′
You can go without food for days, water for hours, but if you are denied oxygen for only a few minutes you can’t survive. Oxygen is crucial to your system. Vision is impaired as low as 5000′ especially at night (the FAA recommends oxygen at 5000′ at night). All the physical processes of your body, such as circulation, assimilation, digestion, and elimination “run” on oxygen. As a result, oxygen helps your body produce energy, balance its metabolism, purify itself of wastes, and fights fatigue. Flying tired is not fun.

About Aerox
Aerox is a leading designer and manufacturer of aviation oxygen systems and accessories. Since 1981 they have been providing the aviation industry with innovative solutions for all of its oxygen needs.

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