Wings & Wheels (W&W) provides a free Classified listing service. We ask only that you please update your classified when your sailplane, trailer, airplane, or part has been sold or is no longer needed. Wings & Wheels Classified services are provided on an exclusive basis. W&W reserves the right to remove or not accept a Classified at our own discretion. We may also edit text by correcting spelling and grammar errors.

Seller grants Wings & Wheels a license with no expiration date to use any uploaded photo, text, or other content. Seller agrees that any photo, text, or other content may remain indefinitely on the Wings & Wheels website.

Once the listing is marked as sold, canceled not renewed, or canceled not sold; the seller will not attempt to alter the classified.

All Classifieds are listed for 90 days or until marked sold. Classifieds can be renewed prior to expiration and run an additional 90 days. Your Classified renewal is contingent upon YOU logging into your account and selecting RENEW under MY LISTINGS tab. If you do not login and renew within 90 days your Classified will be automatically removed. You may place your Classified again free of charge after 90 days if removed.

Wings & Wheels Classified services are provided on an exclusive basis. We may market your Classified on our website and other media (Twitter, Google and Facebook) free of charge. Before duplicating your Classified on a competitors' website (such as or we respectfully ask you to discontinue your W&W Classified by logging in and clicking REMOVE (NOT SOLD) under MY LISTINGS tab. Duplicating your classified on a competitor's website may result in account suspension without notice.  Classifieds may be reinstated when no longer duplicated on a competitor's website and a Classified Support request is completed.  Be aware it's possible for your Classified to be "spammed", "scraped" and placed on other websites. Please be on the lookout and notify us if this happens to your Classified.