Para-Phernalia Wedge SOFTIE Parachute

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Para-Phernalia Wedge SOFTIE Parachute

Fully Customizable: Harness, Color and Options.

Para-Phernalia Wedge Softie Parachute

General Description

The Wedge Softie is a wedge-shaped version of our popular Mini Softie and Micro Softie. It is designed specifically to add lumbar and sacral support during high, positive-G maneuvers. It is ideal for the upright seating found in Pitts-style seating.

The Wedge Softie is available in either 180 lb. or 240 lb. versions. It is available with either our standard H harness or our unique crossover-style Aerobatic Harness.

Each Softie Emergency Parachute System comes with your choice of Conventional Harness or our exclusive Aerobatic Harness. You may also choose from a number of harness and container options to customize your SOFTIE to your individual needs.

MSRP $3595.00

Please allow approximately 8 weeks delivery time for your Wedge SOFTIE parachute.

Inspection and Repack: In the USA, FAA regulations (14 CFR 91.307) require an emergency parachute in use to be inspected and packed by a licensed rigger within the last 180 days, or up to 1 year in countries that do not have a requirement. This preflight routine is mandatory to maintain the safety of your parachute.

Hardware Choices


B-12 Snaps

B-12 Snaps come as standard leg strap hardware on all Softie parachute systems.

Thread Through Adapters

Thread Through Adapters are the flattest and lightest of the connectors we offer. For a pilot that is interested in minimizing weight and bulk, thread-through adapters are an excellent choice.

Quick Ejector

Quick Ejector Snaps allow for fast, easy, one-hand disconnection of the harness attach points. Quick ejectors offer a nice convenience, however, it is important to know they are the bulkiest and heaviest of all the connector hardware we offer.

Conventional Harness

The conventional harness has a fully adjustable main lift web which permits the harness to be adjusted to fit a wide range of individuals. The harness has connection points on each leg strap and on the chest strap. The leg straps come standard with B-12 snap connectors. As an option, we offer Thread Through Adapters or Quick Ejector snaps on the leg straps. The chest strap comes standard with a Thread Through Adapter. A B-12 snap or a Quick Ejector snap is optional on the chest strap.

Aerobatic Harness

High negative-G maneuvers can cause the leg hardware on the Conventional Harness design to dig in causing pain and discomfort. Our unique crossover-style Aerobatic Harness is designed to alleviate this pressure point by moving the leg strap connecting hardware away from the hips. The Aerobatic Harness is attached by having the leg straps pass through high-strength soft loops at the hips and then cross over the pilot's front to buckle on the opposite sides of the harness just below the rib cage. This unique design has proven to be very popular with aerobatic pilots. 

Para-Phernalia Wedge Softie Parachute price varies depending on selection. Use above dropdown box for selections and final price.

Color Choices

Fabric Color Choices


Standard Colors

Black, Grey, Red, Royal Blue, Navy Blue and Olive Drab.

All colors shown are approximations of the actual fabric colors.

Custom Colors

Orange, Gold, Green, Teal, Tan, Brown, Silver, Purple, and Burgundy.

All colors shown are approximations of the actual fabric colors.

Trim Color Options
Black, Grey, Red, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Olive Drab, Orange, Gold, Kelly Green, Lime, Teal, Sand, Tan, Brown, Siler, Purple and Burgundy.

All colors shown are approximations of the actual trim colors. We have trim colors available that match most, but not all, of the container fabric colors listed above. The quality of the match is good in most cases, but due to differences in the dye lots, there can be some minor variations in color between the fabric and the trim.

Harness Webbing Color Options


Purple, Olive Drab, Tan, Gold, Sage, Silver, Navy, Charcoal, Royal Blue, Red and Black.

All colors shown are approximations of the actual harness webbing colors. We have harness colors available that match most, but not all, of the container fabric colors listed. The quality of the match is good in most cases, but due to differences in the dye lots, there can be some minor variations in color between the fabric and the harness. 

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