2001 #2026, 505 total time, 43:1 L/D, freshly serviced Cambridge 302 with secure flight recording and connection to Oudie, Mode C transponder, new MicroAir radio, goosneck mic, new Mountain High O2 system, two separate 12V battery circuits, retractable main and nose gear, gear and spoiler warning horn, large hydraulic brake, 52 gal (429 lbs) water ballast, no damage history, acrylic paint, very large cockpit. Wing, elevator, cockpit covers, payload greater than 600 lbs. Cobra trailer with tandem axles and new tires. Located in Durango, CO.
More Information
Make Group Genesis
Model Genesis II
Marketplace Status Sold
Marketplace Currency USD
Type Pure Sailplane
Seats 1
FAI Class None
Canopy Cover No
Full Covers No
CG Release No
Nose Release No
Trailer Condition Rating
Trailer Cobra
Flight Computer Oudie
Vario Cambridge 302
Aircraft Exterior
Aircraft Interior
Total Time 505
Year 2001
S/N 2026
Flarm No
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